Procedure and results of the workshop
1. Awareness-raising workshop with employees
Introduction to the topic of “CSRD” (overview of the EU Directive and explanations of the requirements, overview of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), materiality assessment)
Affectedness: Which areas of the company are affected by sustainability aspects or can have an impact on sustainability aspects?
Overview of the consequences & sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements
Result: Sensitization of the specialist departments to the requirements of sustainability reporting
2. Creation of a “long list”
Interviews with the departments involved (especially purchasing, sales, production, development, …)
Development of a “long list” with all potentially material sustainability topics in relation to the company
- Material aspects from the internal risk management system, if applicable
- Basis: sustainability topics from the ESRS
- Addition of industry and company-specific aspects
Result: Collection of all potentially material sustainability aspects as a basis for the materiality assessment
3. Performance of a materiality assessment in accordance with ESRS & preparation of a “short list”:
“Principle of double materiality”
Identification of material sustainability aspects based on defined threshold values
Creation of a “materiality matrix”
Reduction of the “long list” to a “short list”: Definition of a final list with all material sustainability issues for the respective company
Result: Performance (incl. documentation) of a materiality assessment and preparation of a final list of material topics for the individual sustainability report
4. GAP analysis
Integration of the material sustainability aspects from the “short list” into a preliminary structure for the sustainability report
Identification of necessary information for the sustainability report
Target / actual comparison: identification of missing information & data points
Estimation of the effort required to research missing data
Result: GAP analysis > Identification of missing information & data points for the sustainability report
5. Final report
Final report in the form of a possible structure for the individual sustainability report with necessary/missing information and data points
Result: Guide for your individual sustainability report!